Sunday, 24 July 2016

In my garden there is Magic.... for AJJ

I've been really enjoying the 'In my Garden there is...' theme hosted by the lovely Yvonne over at AJJ this month.
I was browsing through my clipart collection and found the larger and smaller fairy images and wondered if Fairies have their own little gardens with even smaller Fairies in who have their own little gardens.... ?


Thanks for stopping by today
Gill  x


  1. I am sure there are fairies everywhere, of sll sizes, and if we believe in them we will feel that they are there! Wonderful journal page, I think we are all enjoying Yvonne's lovely theme! Thanks for another great page for AJJ, stay cool, Hugs, Valerie

  2. What an interesting idea, smaller and smaller gardens. I must go out and have a little look.
    Your picture is beautiful and it's such a happy picture, these are good fairies.

  3. Now there's a thought to ponder over. Just love this page with your wonderful imagination spilling out onto it

    Chrissie xx

  4. Ooh this is gorgeous Gill, has a lovely eretheral quality to it like the enchanted garden
    Donna xx

  5. I think fairies must have their own gardens, thats why they are hard to see in ours. Its a gorgeous , magical page Gill.
    Yvonne xx

  6. A lovely and very magical page! Have a great week! J :-)

  7. LOVE your fairie page,just fantastic page,love fairirs so much and she live in all garden,of sure.
    happy summer for you.

    hugs jenny

  8. I believe in fairies! A wonderful page Gill!
    A happy new week to you!
    Thank you so much for another lovely creation to the garden theme at AJJ!
    oxo Susi

  9. What a lovely fairy tale picture, Gill!
    And this time I had to laugh about your thoughts about the fairies with her little garden with more little fairies in it...

  10. I love your fairies. Never too old to believe. Love you art. Hey we believed in the tooth fairy . It was so real when I was a kid.


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